Sunday, January 31, 2010

Come check it out!

Diana Sabreen Photography currently has photos on display at Kenosha Steakhouse, 301 Main Street, Breckenridge, Colorado. The exhibit includes local landscapes as well as photos from around the world. All photos are available for purchase.

Donate to Haiti

Hey folks,
For the month of February, Diana Sabreen Photography will be donating 5% of all sales to Haiti relief efforts. Come get your picture taken for a good cause!

And while you're at it, check out SHOOTCAMERASNOTGUNS.ORG,
my non-profit that teaches photography as a tool for empowerment in conflict area. Images below are from previous travel in Thailand, on a Shoot Cameras Not Guns trip.

Valentine's Day Portraits

Freaked out about Valentine's Day presents?
Couple Portraits make a great gift for your wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, cat or dog!
Give your partner a personal, lasting gift.
5% of all sales from portraits will be donated to help victims of the Haiti earthquake.
(Kissing in photos optional but highly encouraged :)